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UNSG Envoy to Libya Commends Morocco’s Role in Libyan Elections

Abdoulaye Bathily, the UN Secretary General’s Personal Envoy to Libya, has commended Morocco’s role in Libyan dialogue and the establishment of a successful election in the country.

During a meeting with Morocco’s Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita, Bathily said: “We are delighted with the results achieved thanks to Morocco’s help, and we hope that the Kingdom will continue to support the political process, especially as we are in the midst of implementing the organic election laws and their related agreements.”

The UN official added that the implementation of these rules in a country with as much tension and conflict as Libya requires “good faith agreements” between the different stakeholders.

He also stressed the importance of arriving at peaceful solutions as soon as possible because “the current situation is not sustainable and has within it major risks.”

Morocco has been very involved in the Libyan political process as a mediator between the parties, significantly hosting the Joint Commission (6+6) meetings for drafting electoral laws in Libya.

Bathily said that the Libyan people and international community look forward to establishing peace in the country, emphasizing the regional repercussions that continued conflict in Libya could bring.

In September, Moroccan officials also took part in informal consultations carried out by Bathily concerning the Libyan issue.

Since former leader Muammar Gaddafi’s death in 2011, Libya has experienced a tumultuous decade of social and political hardship, with political power being split across two rival governments.

The unrest has made it impossible to hold a general election, leaving power divided and many regions adversely affected by the political tensions.

Source: Morocco World News
