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King Mohammed Vi Extends Condolences to Late Mohamed Bendaddouch’s Family

Morocco’s King Mohammed VI has conveyed his heartfelt condolences and compassion to the family of journalist Mohamed Bendaddouch, who died on November 20 at the age of 94.

In the message, the Moroccan monarch said he had “learned with deep sorrow of the news of the late Mohamed Bendaddouch’s death, a leading figure on the national media scene, may God surround him with His holy mercy and welcome him into His vast paradise.”

On this sad occasion, the king’s message of compassion went to the members of the deceased’s family, to all his friends, and to the national media family.

Bendaddouch was one of the pioneers of Moroccan radio, known for his noble human qualities, his sincere spirit of patriotism, and his constant devotion to the principles of professional ethics, according to the king’s message.

The message continued that the deceased was the embodiment of these ethics, with full dedication and competence during the many decades of his professional career rich in achievements, which earned him respect and esteem from his colleagues in the media.

Born in 1929 in the Algerian city of Tlemcen and key witness to Moroccan history, the late Bendaddouch covered major events in the kingdom, including the Madrid negotiations ending the Spanish occupation of the Moroccan Sahara, and the 1961 Casablanca conference which led to the creation of the Organization of African Unity (OUA).

In his semi-autobiographical book “Ma vie avec le Microphone,” Mohammed Bendaddouch recounted his professional life in the form of memories.

Published in 2011, the book spans 583 pages and aims to serve as a history of Morocco’s national radio along with a summary of significant events from the time of independence until the conclusion of his career.

Source: Moroccoworldnews
