Economy Featured Morocco News

Morocco’s Tourism Revenues Reach $7.9 Billion as of September

Morocco’s tourism revenues reached MAD 80 billion, or $7.9 billion as of September, new data from the Directorate of Studies and Financial Forecasts (DEPF) has shown.

The number represents a 24.8% annual increase compared to the same period last year, the data added.

DEPF explained that the revenues are strengthened by 33.1% compared to their pre-pandemic levels, adding that the number of tourist arrivals to Morocco reached a record of 12.3 million tourists by the end of October.

Compared to the 8.8 million arrivals recorded last year, the latest numbers indicate a growth of 39%.

The number of arrivals has strengthened by over 10% since pre-pandemic levels (end of October 2019). This means that the number of arrivals rebounded from a 20.7 % decline at the end of 2022.

Despite the devastating earthquake that struck Morocco’s Al-Haouz region in September, this significant resurgence in tourism has still persisted.

With regards to overnight stays in classified accommodation establishments, numbers increased by 46% compared to the same period last year.

DEPF listed the key destinations attracting local and international tourists, which include Marrakech, followed by Agadir, Casablanca, Tangier, Fez, and Rabat.

Source: Morocco World News
