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World Expo 2030: King Mohammed Vi Extends Congratulations to Saudi Arabia

King Mohammed VI has sent a congratulatory message to Saudi Arabia on winning its bid to host World Expo 2030 in Riyadh.

The monarch emphasized his “warm” congratulations to King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, describing the win as “well-deserved.”

“This designation once again confirms the pioneering role that this country plays on both regional and international levels,” the monarch said in his message, commending the high trust placed in Saudi Arabia by the international community.

“This trust acknowledges and appreciates Saudi Arabia’s position regionally and internationally as well as its significant achievements,” the King added.

King Mohammed VI also reaffirmed Morocco’s support for King Salman and the country’s full readiness to contribute to the success of the global commercial and economic forum.

Taking place every five years, the Expo 2030 is set to attract millions of visitors including renowned global investors.

Saudi Arabia won the bid on November 28 with 119 votes from the 182 members of the Paris-based Bureau International des Expositions.

Several Arab countries extended their congratulations to Saudi Arabia, including Egypt, Palestine, and Jordan.

In a statement following the win, Egypt’s Foreign Ministry stressed that Saudi Arabia’s achievement embodies the amount of appreciation for its bid.

Palestine’s President Mahmoud Abbas also congratulated Saudi Arabia, stressing the country’s efforts to win the bid.

Source: Moroccoworldnews
