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Morocco’s Security Efforts Pave Way for Marrakch’s Hosting 93rd Interpol General Assembly

Morocco’s notable contributions to global efforts in combating terrorism, human trafficking and other transnational security challenges paved the way to the country’s designation this week to host the 93rd session of the General Assembly of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), Moroccan security sources have indicated.

The event will take place in Marrakech in 2025, convening high level security officials representing the 195 member countries of Interpol.

In a statement, the Moroccan General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) indicated that participants taking place in the current session of e Interpol organization held in Vienna, renewed their confidence in Morocco and its security institutions, grating the hosting of the General Assembly of Interpol in Marrakech in 2025.

The DGSN’s statement emphasized the importance of the General Assembly of the Interpol, describing it as the highest administrative body within the institution.

“It convenes periodically and includes heads of law enforcement agencies in member countries, who gather to assess international security challenges, analyze emerging criminal patterns, and collectively study ways to confront them,” the statement noted.

Abdellatif Hammouchi, the general director of Morocco’s National Security and Territorial Surveillance (DGSN-DGST) expressed the country’s gratitude to all members that supported Marrakec’s bid to host the illustrious Interpol event.

Hammouchi also expressed Morocco’s readiness to host the security event, reiterating the steadfast support for Interpol and member countries in achieving global security

“The choice of Morocco’s candidacy was unanimously adopted with applause, deviating from the usual voting procedure,” Hammouchi said, noting that countries that had also submitted their bid opted to withdraw when they realized that Morocco had applied to host the event in 2025.

DGSN further stressed that the country’s bid to host the event was accompanied by a video, highlighting aspects of modernization and development within Moroccan security services.

“The vote on Morocco’s bid to host the ninety-third session of the Interpol General Assembly received high praise, accompanied by applause from representatives of member countries and delegates of relevant regional and international organizations,” the statement added.

DGSN also shared a series of pictures showing Hammouchi and President of Interpol Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi as the pair discussed boosting security cooperation.

“The President of the International Criminal Police Organization – Interpol receives the Director-General of National Security and Territorial Surveillance, renewing congratulations to him on the occasion of Morocco hosting the 93rd session of the Interpol General Assembly in 2025,” DGSN said.

Morocco has been a member of Interpol since 1957; the organization also has an office in Rabat.

Over the years, Interpol has consistently praised Morocco’s role in contributing to regional security. In 2022, it emphasized Morocco’s counterterrorism efforts during the World Congress on Chemical Security.

“We have worked with Morocco for years and are very impressed with the capabilities that have been put in place, not only to strengthen national responses, but also to respond to threats in the region,” an interpol official told the press on the sidelines of the event.

Source: Moroccoworldnews
