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Royal Armed Forces Debunk Reports on Officers Deserting

Morocco’s Royal Armed Forces (FAR) have released a statement debunking media reports that alleged that a group of officers had deserted their posts.

FAR took to social media to state that the disseminators of the false information aimed to target the morale of Morocco’s troops.

Some Algerian media outlets had recently made claims that 138 officers fled a military barracks in Rabat and set sail in makeshift boats to Europe.

“Some media outlets belonging to actors who oppose Morocco have shared a false story about the dissertation of a group of Moroccan army officers,” FAR said on an Instagram post. “The dissemination of this information shows the extent of the desperation and floundering of Morocco’s enemies after they failed to get rid of it through all means.”

The post added that the armed forces will “remain resilient against all these vile attempts.”

This comes as the latest in a series of Algerian media attacks on Morocco, most commonly attempting to challenge the country’s territorial integrity.

In 2022, the Arab League hit back at Algerian media for showing a divided map of Morocco ahead of the Arab Summit, which contradicted with the organization’s official map.

Source: Morocco World News
